Din indkøbskurv
{{vm.cart.items.length}} enheder
Antal: {{ item.amount }}
Vælg antal:
Color: {{ item.color === null ? '' : item.color.name }}
Color: {{$select.selected.name}} {{colorItem.name}}
{{ item.fileName }}
Vil jeg specificere senere
{{$index + 1}}. Custom wristband
Bredde: {{item.width.title}}
Materiale: {{item.material.title}}
Lås: {{item.closure.title}}
Antal: {{item.amount}}
Design muligheder: {{item.method ? item.method.title : ''}}{{item.method && item.method.bothSides ? ', both sides' : '' }}
RFID Tag og Chip: {{item.tag.title}} {{ item.chip !== null || item.chipOther !== null ? ', ' + (item.chip || item.chipOther) : ''}}
Printet UID: {{ item.printedUid ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
Barcode type: {{ item.barcodeData !== null || item.barcodeDataOther !== null ? (item.barcodeData || item.barcodeDataOther) : ''}}
Barcode data: {{ item.barcodeDataFile ? item.barcodeDataFileName : ''}}
Tilpas layout
Baggrunds farve (evt. Pantone): {{item.color.name}}
Vedhæft grafik: {{ item.fileName }}
Tilføj egen tekst: {{ item.customText }}
Tekst farve (evt. Pantone): {{item.customTextColor.name}}
Skrifttype: {{ item.customTextFont }}
Skrifttype: {{ item.additionalInfo }}
{{$index + 1}}. Custom lanyard
Bredde: {{item.width.title}}
Materiale: {{item.material.title}}
Lås: {{item.closure.title}}
Antal: {{item.amount}}
Ekstra vedhæng: {{ item.extraAttachment.title }}
Sikkerheds breakaway: {{ item.safetyBreakaway.title }}
Snap lås: {{ item.quickRelease.title }}
Krampe): {{ item.crimp.title }}
Tilpas layout
Baggrunds farve (evt. Pantone):
Vedhæft grafik: {{ item.fileName }}
Tilføj egen tekst: {{ item.customText }}
Tekst farve (evt. Pantone): {{item.customTextColor.name}}
Skrifttype: {{ item.customTextFont }}
Yderligere information: {{ item.additionalInfo }}
Du har ingen produkter i kurven
Dine informationer:
Ryd formular
Design dit eget?
  • image
    {{ material.title }}
  • image
    {{ closure.title }}
  • image
    {{ material.title }}
  • image
    {{ closure.title }}
WiSDOM DS -UV-C surface disinfection unit
WiSDOM DS -UV-C surface disinfection unit

WiSDOM DS surface disinfection unit is used for disinfecting surfaces and products. All materials that withstand non-ionizing UV-C radiation can be processed in the unit. The program is completely automatic and one cycle of disinfection takes 3 minutes.

The unit is delivered ready to use. It comes with a grounded plug and IEC connector. Inside the device you will find a certificate on the measured power output of the unit and a quartz glass shelf on which items to be disinfected are placed.

Weight: 22kg
Dimensions: 445 x 330 x 615mm
Max weight of item to be disinfected: 4kg
Max dimensions of item to be disinfected: 325 x 140 x 500mm
Operating voltage 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz

Get in touch for more information!

Antal: {{ vm.model.amount }}
Vælg antal:
Visualiserings type:
Vælg baggrunds farve Vedhæft design fil Vil jeg specificere senere
Color: {{ vm.model.color === null ? '' : vm.model.color.name }}
Color: {{$select.selected.name}} {{colorItem.name}}
Vedhæft grafik {{ vm.model.fileName }}
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